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Advanced Art

Throughout the semester, Advanced Art experimented and created projects using ink, graphite, recycled material, acrylics, and a variety of mediums for sketchbook assignments. I greatly appreciated their willingness to try out unique ideas as taking home art supplies and sharing with other classes was a challenge, their time spent thinking outside the box for projects, and their desire to learn and grow in our time spent together as well.

We hope you enjoy!

Overlapping objects painting

While only being able to take home 2 paint tubes, we got creative with our limited supplies and students created an overlapping objects painting using only 3 colors. They strategically placed their objects and dividing lines and planned out where each color would go to create some unique and intriguing pieces. 

Jonah Adams

Isaac Anderton

Andrew Cooper

Peyton Gaedeke

Poppy Gardner

Miles Jetton

Luke Jun

Tracy Liu

Kaia Lunz

Livia McNeil

Lucy Ni

Sydney Packman

Morgan Petersen

Eden Rau

Eugene Seok

Ky Trieu

Natalie Van Gordon

Kennedy Duke

Elizabeth Simpson

Inspired Ink Project

Students researched various artists that inspired them who use ink as their main art medium. They then chose one specific artist to focus on and were asked to draw any image they wanted while imitating that artist's style.

Lucy Ni

Morgan Petersen

Eden Rau

Elizabeth Simpson

Adelia Myers

Kennedy Duke

Ky Trieu

Eugene Seok

Poppy Gardner

Andrew Cooper

Tracy Liu

Peyton Gaedeke

Marin Hefty

Miles Jetton

Luke Jun

Natalie Van Gordon

Sydney Packman

Livia McNeil

Kaia Lunz

Graphite Still Life

Students created their own still life using various objects at home that they composed and photographed. They then practiced the different graphite techniques they'e learned to draw their still life using graphite on gray paper.

Natalie Van Gordon

Andrew Cooper

Eugene Seok

Morgan Petersen

Kaia Lunz

Tracy Liu

Ky Trieu

Lucy Ni

Jack Xu

Sydney Packman

Adelia Myers

Livia McNeil

Luke Jun

Isaac Anderton

Miles Jetton

Poppy Gardner

Kennedy Duke

Elizabeth Simpson

Jonah Adams

Optical Illusions

Once again, students focused more on mixing colors and painting craftsmanship using only their 2 tubes of paint and blending skills to create 3d optical illusions. 

Jonah Adams

Isaac Anderton

Andrew Cooper

Kennedy Duke

Peyton Gaedeke

Poppy Gardner

Marin Hefty

Miles Jetton

Luke Jun

Tracy Liu

Kaia Lunz

Livia McNeil

Lucy Ni

Sydney Packman

Morgan Petersen

Eden Rau

Eugene Seok

Ky Trieu

Natalie Van Gordon

Elizabeth Simpson

Upcycled Art 

Students got creative with the materials they had available at home as they created up cycled art using only recycled materials of their choice. Our goal was not only to repurpose used materials for art but to also push ourselves to find and create beauty in things that we often don't pay attention to.

Ky Trieu

Natalie Van Gordon

Elizabeth Simpson

Eugene Seok

Morgan Petersen

Sydney Packman

Livia McNeil

Tracy Liu

Adelia Myers

Kaia Lunz

Miles Jetton

Luke Jun

Poppy Gardner

Peyton Gaedeke

Marin Hefty

Isaac Anderton

Jonah Adams

Eden Rau

Kennedy Duke

Sketchbook Assignments

Every two weeks throughout the semester, students had to pick a different theme off a given list and create a sketchbook piece that represented that theme in a creative way. This allowed a lot of exploration of different mediums they had available as well as gave them freedom to use their creativity and skill set in new and interesting ways. 

Livia McNeil

Poppy Gardner

Sydney Packman

Livia McNeil

Morgan Petersen

Tracy Liu

Kennedy Duke

Eugene Seok

Morgan Petersen

Natalie Van Gordon

Eden Rau

Kaia Lunz

Tracy Liu

Lucy Ni

Morgan Petersen

Luke Jun

Peyton Gaedeke

Miles Jetton

Andrew Cooper

Poppy Gardner

Isaac Anderton

Kennedy Duke

Sydney Packman

Jonah Adams

Natalie Van Gordon

Marin Hefty

Elizabeth Simpson

Jack Xu

Eden Rau

Lucy Ni

Livia McNeil

Luke Jun

Adelia Myers

Lucy Ni

Peyton Gaedeke

Miles Jetton

Andrew Cooper

Isaac Anderton

Jack Xu

Jonah Adams

Ky Trieu

Natalie Van Gordon

Elizabeth Simpson

Luke Jun

Morgan Petersen

Adelia Myers

Peyton Gaedeke

Marin Hefty

Livia McNeil

Poppy Gardner

Miles Jetton

Andrew Cooper

Jonah Adams

Isaac Anderton

Kennedy Duke

Sydney Packman

Tracy Liu

Jonah Adams

Elizabeth Simpson

Isaac Anderton

Kennedy Duke

Andrew Cooper

Poppy Gardner

Tracy Liu

Luke Jun

Livia McNeil

Miles Jetton

Morgan Petersen

Lucy Ni

Sydney Packman

Eden Rau

Kai Trieu

Eugene Seok

Album Covers

Students were asked to either pick an artist that already exists or pretend they were a music artist and create a new album cover for that person. They focused on color palette, mood, font, composition, shape, and design to create a cover that represented the artist's music in a new and creative way using any medium they wanted. 

Ky Trieu

Morgan Petersen

Lucy Ni

Livia McNeil

Marin Hefty

Natalie Van Gordon

Kai Trieu

Eugene Seok

Sydney Packman

Luke Jun

Miles Jetton

Poppy Gardner

Peyton Gaedeke

Isaac Anderton

Andrew Cooper

Jonah Adams

Kennedy Duke

Eden Rau

Elizabeth Simpson

Tracy Liu

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